
Showing posts from March, 2022

What are Forums and chat Rooms

  A website that provides an online exchange of information between people about a particular topic. Provides a question and answer space and can be monitored to keep relevant content. Also called “chat board” or “chat group,” the Internet forum is similar to an online newsgroup (see below), but uses a web browser to access it. Prior to the Web, text-only forums were commonly used for bulletin boards and for proprietary Internet services. However, online forums include all the extras that people expect on the web, including photos, videos, downloads, and links, sometimes acting as a small site in the article. Forums are like Usenet’s “newsgroups”, the first online chat groups, and both systems retain online content for some time. Users can scroll back in time and do not need to log in when sent. Conversely, chat rooms are interactive, real-time, and users must be present to read them. See newsgroup and chat room The Best Example of Forum Sites is  WarriorForum Community Forums can be c